CTF Bump
Let's see who can bump the most!
Participants are asked to call bump
as many times as possible. Each bump
increases the score by one.
It is also possible to donate your bumps, if you're feeling generous (or if you used a smart contract to harvest more bumps).
pub trait CtfBump: bump_common::BumpCommon {
fn init(&self) {}
fn upgrade(&self) {}
fn bump(&self) {
let caller = self.blockchain().get_caller();
fn perform_bump(&self, bumper: &ManagedAddress) {
self.bumps(bumper).update(|bumps| *bumps += 1u32);
fn donate_bumps(&self, receiver: ManagedAddress) {
let caller = self.blockchain().get_caller();
let caller_bumps = self.bumps(&caller).take();
self.bumps(&receiver).update(|bumps| *bumps += caller_bumps);
fn bumps(&self, bumper: &ManagedAddress) -> SingleValueMapper<BigUint>;